A profitable future Owning Real Estate is basically over…

Three moments of realisation that salespeople in all fields need to embrace about the 5th generation GMS ICONCOIN if they and their clients are to survive and prosper. 

1st.  Property is ordinary money, its yesterday’s 18th century investment ideal. It is false to believe it is profitable with its ongoing costs to finance, maintain, keep tenanted, making it a full-time liability. Then there’s increases in lending rates, increases in taxation, increases in OPEX, ordinary money keeps devaluing as will your dreams of a wealthy comfortable retirement, provided you remain alive to enjoy it.  

2nd.  Common sense says reassign as much as you can of the slow growth equity in property without delay. Organise as much as you can, to own a VIP Type5 unit that according to in-your-face live evidence, shows the GMS 100% cash asset backed ICONCOINs grow value faster monthly than property’s annual rate. 

3rd.  ICONCOIN is 5th generation, it is the world’s only 100% cash asset backed value increasing e-currency that exists in the secure Decentralised Finance space. The predicted equity gain exceeding 50 X its cost means no human in this 21st century can afford to be without their own VIP. 

WARNING:  Don’t be ignorant by denying yourself digital pay-days that pay millions of dollars, leaving you and your customer out in the cold. Think positive, look to where the value increasing money is, as that’s what being a successful and ethical salesperson does, they show the customer how to be freehold in 12-years or less.  

If you question who will buy into the VIP vending license’s, that’s easily answered as 100 out of 100 want their existing loans to be self-repaying loans, over the short-term, let’s face it, who wouldn’t. 

The GMS VIP is not for those who are complacent but rather those who are active positive and want wealth in quantity that exceeds all other perceived returns, as soon as possible.? 

The equity chart predictions demonstrate how the x 5 low-cost VIP start options produce millions of USD of choice, making a licensed VIP a quality zero-loss opportunity.  

Today we live in the world of digitised electronic technology, the most advanced age so far created by man and if you’re savvy then you’ll quickly realise that everything in the new world of business relies upon it.   

That is why GMS have released into the markets their ICONCOIN, QC = quantum computing + AI = artificial intelligence + GMS = Global Money Systems, it is unquestionably the worlds most advanced money equity generator so far invented.  

The reason for the excitement of a VIP is because ownership enables loans and debts to be repaid, without using go-to-work incomes. As you have read it’s not free, but the first pay-out repays the starting cost of any VIP at least twice, so not only do VIPs become free but the ROI is so far ahead of all other promoted investments, especially property. Given the fact that all VIPs have a 100% cash asset buy-back ICONCOIN backed by the Vault, means the VIP has come to rule your world because it’s risk-free, cashable and has compulsory equity take-outs each 4th year, making it the premier of all business investment products.   

That is why GMS invite experienced salespeople to qualify themselves and become Specialist Brokers on our exclusive list of providers. The value of the real money benefit is immeasurable to them and their customers. 

Make the decision.  Either way you need money a lot of it!  But what’s the smartest way to gain it?  Go here.