Terms and Conditions


In these Terms and Conditions of Business: 

“Service provider” means GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited

“Goods provider” means GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited.

"Client" means the person who has requested GMS, via its affiliates or otherwise, to provide its Global Money Systems Goods and Services to that person who has agreed to pay for the Global Money Systems Goods and Services or has previously remitted payment for the Global Money Systems Goods and Services. 

"Person" shall include, as far as the context admits, any person, firm, company or other body incorporated or unincorporated.  N.B. Not suitable for the elderly, infirm, or those intellectually disadvantaged.

Retention of Intellectual Property Rights: trademarks, trade names, logos, domain names, patents, copyrights, industrial secrets, utility models, designs, know-how or any other intellectual property rights remain owned by the GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited.

Please note; all reference to ICONCOIN or Global Money Rental Units, or GMRU or GMRU’s and vice versa means ICONCOIN. 

Recent changes in International law relating to Money Laundering and Terrorism have made it obligatory for an appropriate level of due diligence to take place concerning our new customers before GMS or its legally appointed associates supply any service in order to safeguard both our own and our client’s interests. Thus Citizens/Residents of the following countries cannot be accepted as client/s of our Firm: 

Middle East Africa Americas Asia Afghanistan Egypt Iran Iraq Jordan Libya Pakistan Syria Yemen Angola Algeria Nigeria Sierra Leone Colombia Cuba Guatemala Jamaica Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia Korea (Dem.People.Rep.) Myanmar (Burma).


GMS Service is specifically defined as; providing via its electronic platform 24/7 its service consisting of its comprehensive operational functionality and the client enters into this agreement with the full knowledge and understanding that the primary purpose of GMS is to facilitate via its platform its RENTAL service for a minimum term of 13-years from the date that the VIP live status is triggered. Prior to the 13-year termination GMS reserve the right to extend their term of service as they so determine.

GMS Goods are specifically defined as; renting of its real-time, licensed VIP, in that they can be operated manually or automatically for the purposes to promote the benefits of the ICONCOIN. Integral is the service/s henceforth offered that will be continually maintained to provide all electronic support 24/7 for a period of not less than 13-years, from the VIP originating and acceptance date.

By becoming the owner of a licensed VIP, it is your responsibility to ensure that the paying-up all rentals due for the ICONCOIN allocated to your VIP is undertaken in accordance with the allowable specified time as described on this website. When your VIP buys/pays-up the rentals owing on the ICONCOIN allocated to it, your VIP rents those ICONCOIN and the money that you have paid (the rental) belongs to GMS. Your licensed VIP owns the equity gain on the ICONCOIN it is allocated. The renting of ICONCOIN is a normal commercial transaction whereby you pay for goods and services you wish to gain a benefit from. GMS provide the goods and supply the ongoing services 24/7 for the duration of the agreed, minimum term of 13-years.

Domiciliary and management services are provided on a continuing basis.  

Please note; all reference to ICONCOIN or Global Money Rental Units, or GMRU or GMRU’s and vice versa means ICONCOIN. 

GMS reserves the right to improve, adjust and enhance the services to the Client, if such changes are required by International law, without giving further reason.

Risk Notice

All investing comes with risk. Contrary to the lawful requirement to present this notice, GMS has taken all steps to remove any risk that could be seen to be associated with the specific “pay for retail service” investments mentioned in detail in this website presentation. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose. Never consult with an advisor that is not 100% aware of the product that you are considering investing in. Many advisors, it has been discovered, are ill-informed, are not independent or unbiased, thus their inadequacies may prevent you from many a good opportunity. 

No Warranties

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we provide the Website and the Service as-is. This means that, except as expressly stated in these Terms, we do not provide warranties, conditions, or undertakings of any kind in relation to the Website and/or Service, either express or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, which are to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from the Agreement. Since buyers use the Service for a variety of reasons, we cannot guarantee that it will meet your specific needs.


You agree to indemnify and hold us and our Team harmless from any losses, including legal fees and expenses that directly or indirectly result from any claims you make that are not allowed under these Terms due to a “Limitation of Liability” or other provision. (Indemnity is an agreement to compensate someone for a loss.) You also agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any losses, including legal fees and expenses, that directly or indirectly result from (a) your Content, (b) your use of the Service, (c) your violation of any laws or regulations, (d) third-party claims that you or someone using your password did something that, if true, would violate any of these Terms, (e) any misrepresentations made by you, or (f) a breach of any representations or warranties you have made to us.

Legal Fees and Expenses

If we file an action against you claiming you breached these Terms and we prevail, we are entitled to recover all reasonable legal fees, expenses, and any damages or other relief we may be awarded.

Equitable Relief

If you violate these Terms, then we may seek injunctive relief (meaning we may request a court order to stop you) or other equitable relief.

Subpoena Fees

If we have to provide information in response to a subpoena, court order, or other legal, governmental, or regulatory enquiry related to your account, then we may charge you for our costs. These fees may include attorney and employee time spent retrieving the records, preparing documents, and participating in a deposition.


We and our Team are not responsible for the behaviour of any third parties, linked websites, or other persons known or unknown.


When you pay the rental fee for your licensed VIP’s ICONCOIN rental allocation, you are paying in advance for a 13-year vendor management and maintenance contract and you agree to the terms of purchase these being; 

Please note; all reference to ICONCOIN or Global Money Rental Units, or GMRU or GMRU’s and vice versa means ICONCOIN. 

The VIP you select is your decision and only yours.

You understand that the VIP is a fully automated business (a) that it contains for rental a secure reserve of ICONCOIN according to its allocation (b) the dashboard provides you with access to those ICONCOIN in that you can complete the payment of the rental sum needed for you to own the equity gain from the ICONCOIN allocated to your VIP.

The VIP license fee purchase is a commercial transaction, thus no protection under the consumer law/s applies to you as a buyer.  Proceeding with the purchase of a VIP 13-year license term is your decision and responsibility and completion of the transaction is the declaration by the purchaser that they/you are knowledgeable in matters commercial.  

Be aware:  The ICONCOIN rental value published by the GMS Exchange at the time you purchased your VIP, only remains in force until the date that you make your VIP live.  This means you must pay a minimum of 10% of the full ICONCOIN rental allocation.

Self funding:  Paying-up the full rental amount of the VIP allocation you have purchased gives you the added advantage of gaining additional time. You are still required to make a minimum rental payment within 14-days of the VIP purchase but remember the quicker you have your ICONCOIN allocation in consolidation the quicker earnings start.

Becoming live means:  Upon registration approval your VIP becomes available to you as described in the VIP dashboard tutorial. You will need to complete the personal set-up of your VIP at the dashboard/interface so as you can use the functions to pay-up the rentals as required for all ICONCOIN allocated to your VIP. You are required to make the minimum first rental instalment payment of 10% within 14-days to secure all systems.

Allocation:  This is the term that describes the number of ICONCOIN, the entitlement, that a VIP rents. It is called the original allocation. All consequent allocations resulting from upgrades, must be fully paid within the original consolidation window given.

Upgrading means:  Changing the status of your VIP by acquiring more ICONCOIN in addition to the original allocation in order to gain greater future equity value.  From within your VIP dashboard, the ability to upgrade is only possible at any time during the 9-month maximum instalment window from the original commencement date of your VIP term contract.  Be aware when an upgrade takes place all existing values, timing of consolidation within your original VIP cease.

Warning:  Before you upgrade ensure that you have the financial ability to meet the new VIP cost plus the first minimum 10% rental instalment requirement.

Consolidation:  Is the 12-month period that commences 30-days after an original or consequent VIP allocation has been fully paid. When an original VIP is upgraded it becomes a new type of VIP purchase. If any original allocation has been in consolidation the original commencement date ceases, until the upgraded allocation is fully paid and in consolidation. Only then does the 13-month consolidation period recommence with a new end date set. 

Qualification: Is the 36-month stand down period following consolidation. A VIP commences its consolidation period when 100% of its original issued allocated ICONCOIN have been activated. Remember activated means all ICONCOIN rentals are fully paid.

Notice: Equity gains from acquiring additional ICONCOIN outweigh any perceived consolidation time loss. The incentive is to pay-up all allocation ASAP.

Equity Pay-out:  Upon the VIP reaching any of its 4-year pay-out intervals, the VIP owner must extract the total available equity value as notified in their VIP dashboard. 

Protection:  The Vault managers retain the right to liquidate the Vault at their discretion without giving reason. Any liquidation notice will have a minimum of 180-days before becoming final and the price at liquidation will not be less than the original price paid for all ICONCOIN rentals and not more than current audited real time value of all the equity gained by the ICONCOIN allocated to your VIP. This consideration should only be understood as being a precautionary measure if taken in order to protect all VIP owners’ best interests against possible losses resulting from external forces, alien and illegal activities fraud, theft, or Government seizure.

Approval Delays:  Application approval of your registration is entirely dependent upon AML and CFT security protocol clearance of your identification (I.D) and credit card.  Please be patient.

Buy Back Guarantee Requests: In the event you need to exit within the first 24-months, whatever your circumstances, the GMS Exchange will buy back the VIP at the original cost you paid, less the VIP ballot registration and establishment costs. Thereafter buy-back pay-out values will be in-line with the equity gained value as displayed in your VIP dashboard.

Notice: When making the purchase you understand and accept that your activated ICONCOIN remain in consolidation for the 12-month period that commences 30-days after an original or consequent VIP allocation has had its rental fully paid, plus the qualifying three years stand-down, totalling a four year period, after which you can liquidate the equity gained.

The Equity Chart Projections:  All the pay-out values represented in the equity chart occur at 4-year-intervals and are indicative value. The actual ±value will show in your VIP dashboard.

The GMS Exchange:  Will pay in USD or equivalent surviving currency, the going equity rate gained, as displayed in your VIP dashboard and credit the sum directly into your preferred bank account.

In buying a VIP and activating the allocation rental you have made a prime decision that can benefit you as shown in the equity chart.

GMS and their managing partners will prudently conduct all fiducial activities with the intention of maximising equity gain at all times reporting in line with Government approved audit practice guidelines.

Terms-Titles-Headings. These are used to describe administrative activities required of GMS that enable it to conduct its business so as the buyers VIP functions correctly and efficiently.

Activation of the ICONCOIN allocated to a VIP, is the sole responsibility of the buyer-owner and is the trigger that brings about full approval and starts consolidation.

GMS System Activation:  The Vault start-up protocol, requires a minimum of 1.0 million ICONCOIN to be fully activated before the Vault's programming commences value adding.

The original USD sums paid to GMS is for the VIP license plus the rental of the ICONCOIN allocated to your VIP. The amounts paid become the property of GMS and held in the GMS Vault.  You are invoiced accordingly. The payment by you is only for the rental of the retail services provided by GMS and not ownership of ICONCOIN. Your VIP becomes the owner of the increasing liquid equity (increased value derived) above the ICONCOIN base USD10.00 value that is secured by the cash asset backing of the ICONCOIN.  That underlying asset of all ICONCOIN is retained in the GMS Vault.  

By becoming the owner of a licensed VIP, it is your responsibility to ensure that the paying-up all rentals due for the ICONCOIN allocated to your VIP is undertaken in accordance with the allowable specified time as described on this website. When your VIP buys/pays-up the rentals owing on the ICONCOIN allocated to it, your VIP rents those ICONCOIN and the money that you have paid (the rental) belongs to GMS. Your licensed VIP owns the equity gain on the ICONCOIN it is allocated. The renting of ICONCOIN is a normal commercial transaction whereby you pay for goods and services you wish to gain a benefit from. GMS provide the goods and supply the ongoing services 24/7 for the duration of the agreed, minimum term of up to 13-years. 

Merchant Cash Rewards

Merchant Cash Rewards:  The Merchant Cash Reward (MCR) the VIP has earned on all VIP’s introduced, can be applied in payment to pay up your ICONCOIN allocation, to upgrade your VIP or if requested, paid to the Merchants preferred bank account (minimum withdrawal is USD300).  Approved payments are transacted on a 30-day cycle or less following the date of submission. 

Taxation:  All rewards are deemed inclusive of any taxes and any disclosure of rewards paid to your VIP is entirely your responsibility, if any, within the jurisdiction of your residency status.


Exclusion of Liability/ No Limitation

GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited claim immunity from liability to the fullest extent under the law for contents and services provided by third parties that our websites cooperate with, and nothing in this agreement is intended to waive, remove or usurp such immunity. 

IN NO EVENT WILL GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited be liable to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive damages, including and also lost profits arising from your use of our website Service.  We do not have any liability of all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs (including reasonable attorney's fees) or other expenses that arise directly or indirectly out of or from your breach of this agreement. 

GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited assume no responsibility for the privacy practices of any third parties that we cooperate with.  We do not determine which information will be collected by that third party for purposes unrelated to the service or our website Service. 

Risk Disclosure Statements and Client Protection Policy

As is with every objective you may pursue in life, there is always the associated risk(s), so are the endeavours you are about to take through the GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited Services. Whilst GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited have taken and continue to take every practical control to minimize such risks, we wish to highlight some scenarios of higher likelihood, which you must be aware of and undertake to risk the same. For details of the risks associated with our Services please read our Risk Disclaimer.

Risk Disclaimer

Due diligence plus ethical practices by GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited does not exclude them or you from external actions of war, fraud, pestilence, government regulatory change, or matters that can give cause for failure such as blackouts, floods, any form of natural disasters or unnatural disasters such as plagues and as a consequence of all and any of the aforementioned incidences failure or loss either in full or part of the asset caused by “Force Majeure” that backs the ICONCOIN or failure of services and systems is accepted. The buyer parties to the sale and purchase of VIPs and the seller of the VIPs rescind all and any rights of claim for loss or damages against the other. GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited undertakes to use best practices at all times to maintain maximum protection within its capability and does not accept any liability from any external or internal force or action beyond its control.

By proceeding to complete the purchase of the VIPthe buyer understands and is accepting of all terms and conditions pertaining to this transaction.

Important Notice

Global Money Systems, GMS is not licensed to make offers of investment, facilitate interest bearing deposits or lend. It is not a financial advisor and does not act as agent or on behalf of any external financial organisation.  

The GMS principal activity is to produce and sell its; VIP licenses. Further GMS provides a rental service that is integral to the VIP where the VIP rents its allocation of ICONCOIN. All revenues GMS receives from paid rentals of its ICONCOIN, are the property of GMS where under its ownership and management the Vault is traded in accordance with best business practices. Earnings generated from trading, increase the ICONCOIN capital value held by GMS. These values are published as the realisable increase in equity value of the issued ICONCOIN. 

Full time 24-7 audit records of all trading is mandatory in accordance with US government laws. GMS also provide independent third-party audit records of its consolidated values annually. These real-time values are a true and accurate record with such information published solely for the purposes of informing all VIP owners via its secure private VIP dashboard. 


If your registration is rejected a full refund of the money you paid for the chosen VIP will automatically be credited back to your card. 

The buyer accepts that with the purchase of a VIP, its purpose is to capitalise upon the ICONCOIN allocated to that VIP. Be aware; there are time constraints. In the event the buyer fails to pay-up/activate the ICONCOIN allocated to the VIP they have purchased (subject to availability) according to the instalments within the maximum period as determined by GMS Global Money Systems Limited GMS Management (NZ) Limited it/they reserve the right to cancel the VIP's ability to function. 

Legal Terms, Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Legal Restrictions: without limiting the undermentioned provisions, you understand that laws regarding financial contracts vary throughout the world, and it is your responsibility to make sure you properly comply with any law, regulation or guideline in your country of residence regarding the use of the Site. 

You agree that any action at law or in equity arising out of or related to the Agreement shall be filed only in the Courts of the Administrative Region to be determined at the discretion of GMS and that you hereby consent and submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts, absolutely waive the procedural defence of "forum non-convenien". No action arising under or related to the Agreement may be brought by either party more than one year after the cause of action has occurred. This Agreement is governed and to be interpreted exclusively by the laws of the to be determined Administrative Region. 

To avoid any doubt, the ability to access our Site does not necessarily mean that our Services and/or your activities through the Site are legal under the laws, regulations or directives relevant to your country of residence.