VIP Dashboard Tutorial

Please note, the numbers represented within this tutorial are for demonstration purposes only.

How to use your VIP dashboard is shown on this page with explanatory information and supporting visuals, the dashboard is user friendly and easy to navigate.  Click on the visuals to see enlarged version.

You have purchased your licensed VIP, after it has transacted a confirmation message is shown.  You will have also received an email to setup your account using your unique Customer ID license and creating your password.

Step 1

Hit the Setup Account link within the email which will take you to this page.  Enter your unique Customer ID and your preferred password and then re-enter your password.  Hit CONTINUE.

Step 2

You will then receive this confirmation, hit CONTINUE HERE TO LOGIN.

Step 3

You are now at the customer login page.  Enter your Customer ID and password, and save this information to your device, so whenever you access your VIP again the information is already there for you to login.  Make sure you save your Customer Login VIP dashboard to your favourites. 

You can also go to and click on Customer Login shown in Quick Links at the bottom of any page and enter your Customer ID and password.

Step 4


Once you’ve logged in, you will be taken to your VIP dashboard front page, this page records the VIP type you have purchased, and the ICONCOIN allocation as yet not paid up.  It shows a section for the ICONCOIN Credits you can earn (see our lucrative Become A Specialist Broker page) and a Customers Joined tab.

Step 5

Dashboard is your main homepage.

My Orders is a full record of your VIP purchase and ICONCOIN allocation payments.

My Account is a record of your personal details and has an option to change your password.

FAQ is a record of all frequently asked questions shown on the website and is a handy information tool for you to use.

Share App is the function to share your unique VIP dashboard link.

Step 6

The next step is to pay up your allocation, simply click on Buy Now, a window will appear, drag the slider along to your preferred ICONCOIN allocation amount to pay.  In this example, the minimum 10% first instalment allocation will be paid.  Remember, it’s not until your allocation is fully paid up, that your consolidation commences.

Step 7

After selecting the 10% instalment amount to pay, hit CONTINUE, this takes you to the CHECKOUT.  If you are sure then hit BUY NOW.  If you are not sure, then hit UPDATE. This brings up the BUY NOW slider window again, allowing you to make changes.  Make your changes hit CONTINUE and proceed to the CHECKOUT and hit BUY NOW.


Step 8

After hitting BUY NOW this takes you to the payment gateway where you have the choice of PayPal, or Credit/Debit card from which to pay. 

After transacting, you are returned to your dashboard which shows the confirmation message.  To allow the system to process your transaction, please wait one minute, then click on the gold coin logo or dashboard to refresh.

Step 9


To allow the system to process your transaction, please wait one minute, then click on the gold coin logo or dashboard to refresh and be taken to your dashboard homepage. 

You will receive a confirmation email with your invoice/receipt attached.

Your VIP dashboard now shows a Type1 VIP has been purchased and the minimum 10% first instalment allocation has been paid. You will note an additional tab is now showing BECOME A MERCHANT.  This has become apparent due to having paid the minimum 10% first instalment allocation on your VIP.  If you want to start earning valuable commissions then click on that tab.  

Step 10


You will receive a courtesy email confirming you have been approved to become a Merchant. 

Click on the gold coin logo or dashboard to refresh your homepage and you will see at the top of the screen; Greetings Joe Citizen [Merchant] and an additional section is now showing MCR being Merchant Cash Rewards.  You are now a Merchant and when you introduce others using your unique dashboard link via the share app tab then anyone purchasing a VIP will produce a commission for you.

Everyone that your send your link to, that makes a purchase of a VIP will generate for your VIP a commission to a specific value according to the type of VIP that’s been purchased.

Step 11

This depiction shows the share app in more detail, all the options available to share your unique VIP dashboard link.  All tabs are part of the business functions of your VIP.

Selecting the third from right green share app, brings up 42 social media platform options for you to share your link.

Step 12

In this tutorial the email app has been used.  Hit the EMAIL tab and it will automatically open a new message in your own email platform showing your unique VIP dashboard link and the default subject line as shown.  You can change this to whatever you desire and create your own personal email heading and text to your introduction.  You can refer to the FAQ section in your VIP dashboard for helpful information to populate your message or go to the main website and source information from there.

Step 13

The next step is to pay up the unpaid allocation ICONCOIN balance.  Simply click on BUY NOW, a window will appear, drag the slider right to the end, selecting the total unpaid allocation to be paid.  In this example, the unpaid allocation of the Type1 VIP is 9,000.

If you'd brought in customers using your unique link you would have been rewarded with Merchant Cash Rewards (MCR's) and been able to use those to pay up your allocation, making it a zero cost to you.

Merchant Cash Reward structure as follows:  VIP Type1 USD1,000, VIP Type2 USD2000,VIP Type3 USD3,000, VIP Type4 USD4,000, VIP Type5 USD5,000

Step 14

Hit the CONTINUE button to proceed to the CHECKOUT.  After hitting BUY NOW this takes you to the payment gateway where you have the choice of PayPal, or Credit/Debit card from which to pay. 

After transacting, you are returned to your dashboard which shows the confirmation message.  To allow the system to process your transaction, please wait one minute, then click on the gold coin logo or dashboard to refresh.

You will receive a confirmation email with your invoice/receipt attached.

Step 15


You have now paid up the allocation on the Type1 VIP, your desire to succeed and generate additional income has you upgrading to the Type5 VIP.

Hit the UPGRADE VIP button, a window will appear, select the Type5 option and hit continue to take you to the checkout page.  After hitting BUY NOW this takes you to the payment gateway where you have the choice of PayPal, or Credit/Debit card from which to pay. 

After transacting, you are returned to your dashboard which shows the confirmation message.  To allow the system to process your transaction, please wait one minute, then click on the gold coin logo or dashboard to refresh.

You will receive a confirmation email with your invoice/receipt attached.


Step 16


You will now proceed to pay up the ICONCOIN allocation balance.  Simply click on BUY NOW, a window will appear, drag the slider right to the end, selecting the total unpaid allocation to be paid.  In this example, the unpaid allocation balance of the Type5 VIP is 4,000.

Step 17


Hit the CONTINUE button to proceed to the CHECKOUT.  After hitting BUY NOW this takes you to the payment gateway where you have the choice of PayPal, or Credit/Debit card from which to pay. 

After transacting, you are returned to your dashboard which shows the confirmation message.  To allow the system to process your transaction, please wait one minute, then click on the gold coin logo or dashboard to refresh.

You will receive a confirmation email with your invoice/receipt attached.



Step 18

You are now a fully paid up Type5 VIP, prepared to reap the maximum rewards.  Your dashboard will display your Contract Term and Equity Gained, this is the passive additional income component of dashboard.


Step 19

With your fully paid up Type5 VIP, you will now proceed with enthusiasm to introduce new customers via your VIP dashboard unique share app to attain the lucrative GMS Specialist Broker status.  See our Become A Specialist Broker page.

Step 20

Logging out of your VIP dashboard, go to the top right-hand corner, click on the symbol next to your Customer ID Number and choose Log Out.