Step 1

How to reserve your exclusive VIP is shown on this page with explanatory information and supporting visuals, click on the visuals to see enlarged version.

On the main homepage of the website you will Register Here to read the VIP Ballot Registration page and PROCEED TO REGISTER.  Alternatively, as you scroll down the main website page you will find RESERVE YOUR VIP HERE as another option to proceed to the VIP Ballot Registration page.

Step 2

This opens up the VIP Reservation page, click on the Proceed to Register button, to take you to the Reservation Form.

Step 3

Fill out the form with your details, in this example our tutorial customer Joe Citizen will be used.

Hit the submit button, a pop up window will show, hit OK, you will be taken back to the main website page.

Step 4

You will receive an email acknowledging your registration.

Over the next 7 weeks you will receive a reminder email to pay up your reservation fee.

The 7th and final email reminder will advise of the opportunity expiring in 7 days, this is your final chance to secure a lucrative VIP.

Step 5

Upon receiving the final reminder email, you will hit BUY NOW this takes you to the payment gateway where you have the choice of PayPal, or Credit/Debit card from which to pay.

Step 6

The email will have an invoice/receipt attachment and clear instructions with a link for you to return to the website to purchase your VIP.  Open the invoice/receipt attachment, copy the invoice number, return to the email, hit the link to return to the website.

Step 7

Once you've hit the link in the email, this opens up the Buy A VIP page, input/paste the invoice number into the field and hit submit.

Step 8

This action of inputting your invoice number and hitting submit unlocks all the VIP Types for you to BUY NOW.

In this example, a Type1 is purchased.

After hitting BUY NOW this takes you to the payment gateway where you have the choice of PayPal, or Credit/Debit card from which to pay.

Step 9

After transacting you are returned to the website which will show an acknowledgement message and you will receive an email.

Go to the VIP Dashboard Tutorial page to be shown the next phase of this process.