GMS Specialist Broker Tutorial

Please note, the numbers represented within this tutorial are for demonstration purposes only.

Congratulations, you have achieved the criteria to become a GMS Specialist Broker.  You have become a fully paid Type5 owner and have introduced 10 x fully paid up Type5 VIP sales, which has rewarded you with MCR's to the value of USD50,000.

Step 1


This has now triggered a new tab: GMS SPECIALIST BROKER OPPORTUNITY to appear in the dark grey ribbon at the top of your VIP dashboard.

Step 2


When you click on the GMS SPECIALIST BROKER OPPORTUNITY tab, the following window message will appear. 

Tick the I AGREE box and hit CONTINUE.

Step 3

You will now proceed to the checkout where you can redeem your Merchant Cash Rewards (MCR’s) to pay in full the USD10K security bond.  In this example, as there is USD50K of MCR's available, USD10K of MCR's will be used.  Making this a zero cost expense to you and leaving you with USD40K of MCR's.

Step 4

Hit REDEEM REWARDS this brings up a window where you use the slider to select the amount of MCR’s you wish to redeem. In this example, USD10K of MCR's have been selected.  Then hit APPLY. 


Step 5


You are then returned to the checkout, hit BUY NOW.

In this example, as there is no requirement to be directed to the payment gateway, the transaction will process, and return you to your VIP Dashboard.

Step 6


Once you have completed the transaction you will automatically be returned to your VIP Dashboard homepage, which will show a confirmation message.  You will also receive an email confirming the transaction with an invoice attached.  This will also be recorded under your MY ORDERS section on the VIP Dashboard.

Step 7

To allow the system to process your transaction, please wait one minute, then click on the gold coin logo or dashboard to refresh.  You will see in the top left corner Greetings YOUR NAME [GMS Specialist Broker].

You will also see you have USD40K of MCR's available to CASHOUT.  Simply hit the CASHOUT button which will take you to the CASHOUT page where you choose from either Paypal or bank account to cashout your MCR's.

Note:  The minimum amount to cashout is USD300.00.  The slider function represents this.

Step 8

Under the Customers Joined section you will now see columns for Additional MCR and O.R MCR, from this point on, any introductions you send your unique dashboard link to, should they outright buy a Type5 VIP or buy another Type VIP you will receive original rewards. Then when any upgrade to a Type5 you will see the additional rewards shown in the Additional MCR column.

You are now ready to take it to the next level and generate introductions from your unique link to the value of 100,000 ICONCOIN Credits to qualify for Over-Rider (O.R.) status.  This next step will start the ICONCOIN Credits to count up.  Once Over-Rider (O.R.) status is achieved, that is when the O.R MCR column will liven. 

Step 9

This example shows the GMS Specialist Broker having achieved the 100,000 ICONCOIN Credits milestone.  The VIP Dashboard has 100,000 Credits showing on the front page, and the breakdown showing under the Customers Joined tab.

For this tutorial 20 x Type5 VIP introductions were made, rewarding you with USD100K of MCR's.  Your balance of USD40K plus USD100K gives you a grand total of USD140K of MCR's.

In the dark grey ribbon at the top of your Dashboard you will see the following; YOUR VIP HAS ATTAINED OVER RIDER STATUS.  Click on this, a window will appear, hit SUBMIT.

Step 10


You will be returned to your VIP Dashboard which will now show YOUR NAME [GMS Specialist Broker] [O.R].

This action then reverts your ICONCOIN Credits to zero on the VIP Dashboard front page, and will reflect as no records found under the Customers Joined tab.  You will also receive an email confirmation.

Step 11


From this point on, any of your customers (B) that introduce a customer (C), you will receive a 10% Over-Rider reward based on the value of the VIP sold.  In these depictions, a (B) customer Test Thirty Three purchased a Type1 VIP, which has rewarded you with Original MCR of USD1K.  This (B) customer Test Thirty Three then upgraded to a Type5, which has rewarded you with Additional MCR of USD4K.  The (B) customer Test Thirty Three has then proceeded to introduce a (C) customer Test Thirty Four who purchased a Type5 VIP, which has rewarded you with O.R. MCR of USD 2.5K.  This is shown under your Customers Joined tab in detail.  You will also note your MCR Rewards section on your Dashboard front page has increased accordingly to USD147.5k.