Equity Chart

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The first year period for a VIP is consolidation.  The next three years is the qualification period, for the purpose to maximise earnings, prior to the first take-out at 4-years.

The equity chart projected annual increasing values as shown are based upon past performance that may not necessarily be repeated. However more recent management performance gives us confidence that the values represented can be achieved and even exceeded, because of the continuing modernisation of the GMS systems. 

It is the GMS Management intention to maximise its overall performance in order to bring the future predicted end values to all VIP license owners so much earlier than shown. Buyers can have confidence that the value of all rentals paid are retained in the GMS Vault continuing to increase in value but not devaluing.

All take-out values represented in the equity chart occur at 4-year-intervals and are indicative value. The actual ±value will show in your VIP dashboard. The GMS first priority is getting maximum earnings in the shortest possible time, for all customers. This translates to producing the largest equity take-out within the shortest time frame possible.  

Think positive, think clever and make it your priority to own a Type5 VIP and qualify yourself for the Specialist Broker and Over-Rider super incomes, see here.

All predicted values shown are estimated END OF YEAR earned equity available to you. 

  Consolidation Total Input Year 4 Take-Out   Year 8 Take-Out   Year 12 Take-Out   Total Take-Out
License Fee ICONCOIN 0-1  3-4*   7-8*   11-12*    
    $ $   $   $   $
Type1 5k 10k 15k 60k   240k   960k   1.260M
Type2 10k 20k 30k 120k   480k   1.920M   2.520M
Type3 15k 30k 45k 180k   720k   2.880M   3.780M
Type4 20k 40k 60k 240k   960k   3.840M   5.040M
Type5 25k 50k 75k 300k   1.200M      4.800M      6.300M

Abbreviations: k = thousands. M = millions.

A = Determine the equity you want. B = Determine when you want it. C = Choose the VIP type and that will enable you to achieve A + B = C.

Our buy-in guarantee:   All application registrations are dependent upon your honest and accurate input. In the event your registration fails as a result of the AML & CTF regulations, a refund of the money you paid for the chosen VIP will be credited back to your card, less any expenses we may have incurred.

The original USD sums paid to GMS is for the VIP license plus the rental of the ICONCOIN allocated to your VIP. The amounts paid become the property of GMS and held in the GMS Vault.  You are invoiced accordingly. The payment by you is only for retail services provided by GMS and not ownership of ICONCOIN). Your VIP becomes the owner of the increasing liquid equity (increased value derived) above the ICONCOIN base USD10.00 value that is secured by the cash asset backing of the ICONCOIN. That underlying asset of all ICONCOIN is retained in the GMS Vault.  

By becoming the owner of a licensed VIP, it is your responsibility to ensure that the paying-up of all rentals due for the ICONCOIN allocated to your VIP is undertaken in accordance with the allowable specified time as described on this website. When your VIP buys/pays-up the rentals owing on the ICONCOIN allocated to it, your VIP rents those ICONCOIN and the money that you have paid (the rental) belongs to GMS. Your licensed VIP owns the net equity gained above the base value of the ICONCOIN it is allocated. The renting of ICONCOIN is a normal commercial transaction whereby you pay for goods and services you wish to gain a benefit from. GMS provide the goods and supply the ongoing services 24/7 for the duration of the agreed, minimum term of up to 13-years. 

GMS reserve the right to make improvements to their systems.