What is a GMS Specialist Broker?

A business savvy person that clearly understands how rapidly they can be enjoying an automated monthly cash-flow of USD20–USD100k plus without the need to work. Hands off, money out of thin air, what is generally known as a private passive income source, is readily available for a GMS Specialist Broker.

What are the best reasons to become a GMS Specialist Broker?

The first best reason is owning a fully automated Type5 VIP licensed business, means future cash equity of USD6.300 million at month 145 or before that does not require during that time a single gram of work input.

The second best reason is the minimal USD75k starting cost making its ROI superior to most. What is important to know is the ROI is multiple stream, meaning the GMS auto systems reward genuine go-getters, paying them USD150k to achieve Specialist Broker Over-Rider status, negating the USD75k starting cost.

The third best reason is the Global Money Systems Virtual Investment Property VIP brings about with a certainty an ROI that beats hands-down all other business investments especially with its regular high value cash equity pay-outs, and that makes all other offerings, no less than an insult to intelligent people of our world. 

Below shows the qualifying criteria that triggers the GMS Specialist Broker opportunity notification to appear in your VIP dashboard.

  • To gain GMS Specialist Broker status, the Merchant must achieve fully paid Type5 VIP status.
  • That means the Merchant will need to have introduced 10 x fully paid-up Type5 VIP sales.
  • The qualifying Merchant is required to pay a security bond of USD10k, to secure the GMS Specialist Broker status.
  • Merchant Cash Reward (MCR) fees paid to your VIP from the 10 x Type5 introductionsqualifies you to become a GMS Specialist Broker, rewarding you with USD50k. Simply apply USD10k to pay the security bond and start collecting the premium rewards/fees as a GMS Specialist Broker.
  • The GMS Specialist Broker introduction rewards are based only on the value of a VIP license purchase.
  • Standard Merchants are currently rewarded only on an original VIP license purchase value. There are no additional rewards paid when a VIP upgrades, unless you are a GMS Specialist Broker.
  • The GMS system automatically recognises Type5 Merchants who achieve 10 fully paid Type5 introductions, by displaying a notification on the Merchants dashboard; GMS Specialist Broker Opportunity. If you hit the notification and complete the registration requirements, then from that point forward all introductions that start as a Type5 or upgrade to Type5 VIPs maximises your earnings.
  • Of special note, the Premium Bundle purchase information details how USD69.3million is created by your decision just 145-months from start to finish. 
  • Type5 buyers doing a Premium Bundle purchase of plus 10 Type5’s automatically qualify themselves for Specialist Broker status. Savvy people will recognise that they have invested in purchasing 10 individual businesses that can be sold-on or if retained for the 13-year term, makes them the recipients of an amazing USD63.0 million, plus USD6.30 million from their first Type5, a total ingoing of just USD880k. The first pay-out is USD3.30 million at end of year 4, the second pay-out is USD13.200 million at the end of year 8, the third pay-out at the end of year 12 is USD52.800 million, a total of USD69.3 million.
Original    Original Reward   Additional Reward Value  
VIP   Value    GMS Specialist Broker Status  
    MCR   MCR  
Type1   1000   4000 Type1 upgrades to Type5
Type2   2000   3000 Type2 upgrades to Type5
Type3   3000   2000 Type3 upgrades to Type5
Type4   4000   1000 Type4 upgrades to Type5
Type5   5000   0 Full original reward has been paid

Only a Type1, 2, 3, or 4 can upgrade.

Irrespective, any VIP owner that upgrades, having been introduced by a GMS Specialist Broker, it is not until they reach Type5 that the additional Type5 reward is paid to the GMS Specialist Broker minus the original reward already paid.

From the chronological date of a GMS Specialist Broker creation, all future Merchant rewards stay as normal so the GMS Specialist Broker can introduce all types of VIPs. The GMS Specialist Broker gains the PREMIUM of additional rewards when any VIP sale they have introduced upgrades to a Type5.

Merchant Example: Rewards from an introduction of a Type1 produces USD1,000 MCR’s for any Merchant. If the Type1 upgrades to another type of VIP no further rewards are paid, unless you are an exclusive GMS Specialist Broker. 

GMS Specialist Broker Example: Your original introduction buys a Type1 VIP. Your original commission is; USD1,000.00 MCR’s. When the original upgrades to a Type5 the additional commission is; USD4,000.00 MCR's.

The GMS Specialist Broker can achieve even more valuable rewards with Over-Rider/Royalty (O.R) status.

Now that you have qualified yourself as a GMS Specialist Broker your efforts should be focusing on introducing as many other new VIP sales as you can, as these become your partner retail shops and it is from their introductions that your VIP gains the highly valuable O.R income monthly.

To qualify for the O.R you need to produce one hundred thousand ICONCOIN Credits as that qualifies your VIP with permanent O.R status. This can either be 20 x Type5, 25 x Type4, 33 x Type3, 50 x Type2, 100 x Type1 or a combination of all VIP types. The cash reward for 100,000 ICONCOIN credits, when completed means you will have received a further USD100k MCR value.

Over-Rider/Royalty (O.R.) status automatically becomes available to GMS Specialist Brokers that achieve one hundred thousand ICONCOIN Credits from their new qualified introductions, we call them (B sales). What this means for the GMS Specialist Broker is when their (B sold) make new introductions, called (C sales) then you as the GMS Specialist Broker earn a 10% O.R. on the value of that original (C sale).

Example; Just imagine you introduce 100 Type1 (B sales) you will have earned USD100k but then if each one then sells a Type1 per month (C Sale) that is 100 x USD500.00 = USD50k as that months Over-Rider/Royalty.

Over-Rider/Royalty Reward structure as follows:  VIP Type1 USD500, VIP Type2 USD1,000, VIP Type3 USD1,500, VIP Type4 USD2,000, VIP Type5 USD2,500.

Ask yourself is paying a one-time USD75k for a future USD6.300 million and enjoying monthly O.R incomes from USD20 - USD100k plus worth it? 

Just a single Type1 sale a week from half of the 100 x Over-Rider/Royalty introductions you completed, means 216 sales that month and that produces as you sleep and play, real cash income of USD108k or if they were a mix of each VIP type then your sleep and play real cash monthly income could be as high as USD324k.

GMS reserve the right to review, cease, renew or change all and any GMS Specialist Broker Reward systems as is deemed necessary, without giving notice.