The GMS Offer

The sale of a VIP business license by GMS is a commercial retail transaction between a willing seller and a willing buyer. It is not to be considered an investment offer of any type. Monies transacted are for the purchase of a VIP, not as a loan to the seller, but payment to the seller, so the seller can provide system support, management and other assistance, to ensure the VIP software functionality is maintained at optimum levels 24/7 for the duration of the 13-year services.

The licenced VIP is also a digitised business tool with multiple functions that are at the complete disposal of the VIP buyer/owner via the VIPs integral dashboard or desktop. Exclusive and in addition, is the VIPs unique business link recruitment tool when used as a highly profitable income generator, attracts buyers in their thousands, making the VIP the only recipient of valuable MCR’s Merchant Cash Rewards, each with a Base value ranging from USD1k to USD5k that can be liquidated as requested by the VIP owner, with all cash proceeds paid according to the VIP owners’ instructions, into their nominated IBAN. 

The primary function of the VIP is its digital key, that allows for the activation of the ICONCOIN that are allocated to it.  In addition, the VIP has the functionality to acquire additional ICONCOIN by upgrading its status.

The VIP functionality for activation of the ICONCOIN is unique to the VIP, allowing it to transact with the GMS Exchange and is the only electronic device produced by GMS that allows for this secure functionality to factually happen via its hi-tech Equity Chain.

The responsible owner of the VIP is the sole party that owns the rights to liven-up their VIP (paying the rental/hirage sum per ICONCOIN) the VIP then becomes in their hands the worlds most advanced automated electronic business instrument.

Any financial transactions undertaken for the purposes of renting the ICONCOIN is an internal function of the VIP owner and the GMS Exchange.  

The GMS exchange has a secure link to the GMS Vault.  It is only when ICONCOIN have been activated that the Exchange transfers the activated ICONCOIN paid value to the Vault.  The Vault managers are then able to use the equity value to enhance the Vaults value in line with the equity chart predictions.

In addition, the VIP unique link can be used as a recruitment tool attracting buyers, making the VIP the recipient of valuable MCR’s Merchant Cash Rewards, each with a value equal to USD10.00 that when requested by the VIP owner, can be paid according to the VIP owners’ instructions, into a nominated IBAN. 

When humans buy a VIP, it is presumed that their reason is because they want to own an automated business that is programmed to provide for the buyer additional income from the VIPs automated activities.

They understand that the purchase is for a software license, that license is linked to their VIP and when their VIP is created, the buyer will be required to undertake certain actions with the understanding that their actions will record them as the specific owner of the licensed VIP they have purchased.

The new buyer of the VIP at pre-purchase, is provided with an extensive array of information being the informative GMS website.  There are plain language tutorials consisting of text and visuals in order to ensure that all new buyers are fully informed prior to making a purchase.

There are no hidden agendas.  The buyer knows that their VIP purchase is entirely in their control and that GMS has no influence on how or where the VIP owner wishes to operate their business.

The plain language terms and conditions makes all matters pertaining to the responsibilities of seller and buyer a pleasure and not a burden, where trying to understand so called legalised jargon can take away all rights of the buyer, not so with GMS, with their precise clear words setting out what both parties’ responsibilities are.

GMS Management do hope your personal standards and beliefs towards protection of the environment, match theirs. Further you need to agree that working for 50 years is a thing of the past, that guiding others to a life of prosperity is a worthy pursuit, and working a short time is a superior objective, rather than slaving a lifetime, to exist and then die.

GMS is also the most efficient, it is totally green, it is paperless, there are no toxic disturbances, there is nothing to harm the environment, there are no emissions from any of its operations, it leads the world with its social benefits, plus its economic business model is something all responsible businesses should strive to replicate.