Life Choices

Make A Decision

Living with an additional income in any quantity you want when you want it, plus being able to accumulate a multimillion-dollar early retirement fund that’s always liquid in your control, can only be achieved if you are an owner of more than one VIP.

When you accept how economical it is to acquire a VIP, then determining the abundance of money you want, just as you and most people dream of, then making that dream real is now possible by owning multiple VIP licenses.

It is important that you understand the power of compounding values, as the greater the base value the greater the value increases.

Did you know a 2015 study looking at insights from the S&P’s Global Financial Literacy Survey found that “consumers who fail to understand the concept of interest compounding spend more on transaction fees, run up bigger debts, and incur higher interest rates on loans.”  They also end up borrowing more and saving less money. Meanwhile, it comes as little surprise that those who possess more financial knowledge and skills are better at planning and saving for future retirement.


All of us can make plans but not having the right tools and time to make the plan become a reality is almost impossible to achieve when we are working full time.

So imagine savvy you owning multiple VIPs. These are your autonomous workers on the job 24/7 increasing the equity value each month on the original ICONCOIN allocation your VIP rented. Because the GMS systems ensure all monthly earnings are added to the original capital (compounded), those earnings continue increasing the equity value time and time again.

Think modern think practical as today owning a VIP or two or three VIPs gives you the business tool/s for you to achieve with a high level of certainty an abundance of money, that a going to work income cannot, and that makes ownership of a VIP the most important must have item, for your survival.


In this Equity Chart the cashable equity shown is generated over an uninterrupted term of 145-months.  

Let’s say your dream is for semi-retirement in 8-years. Just point and choose the amount you want, when you want it, it really is that easy to plan. 

The reality is the VIP cost to buy and make your dream real, is minimal. So if using borrowed money for 4-years from your preferred lending source, be confident that at month-49 your VIP pays-out 4 x its original lease cost. 

Global Money VIPs do not cost they pay and pay and keep on paying!

Don’t miss your chance!

VIPs are genuinely a limited issue. So the choices are:

1.  Buy yours now, work for a short-time, thereafter live as you want, or

2.  Work or should that be slave for a life-time of 50-years, to end up existing on a meagre pension!

Easy choice, don’t you think!

All predicted values shown are estimated END OF YEAR earned equity available to you. 

  Consolidation Total Input Year 4 Take-Out   Year 8 Take-Out   Year 12 Take-Out   Total Take-Out
License Fee ICONCOIN 0-1  3-4*   7-8*   11-12*    
    $ $   $   $   $
Type1 5k 10k 15k 60k   240k   960k   1.260M
Type2 10k 20k 30k 120k   480k   1.920M   2.520M
Type3 15k 30k 45k 180k   720k   2.880M   3.780M
Type4 20k 40k 60k 240k   960k   3.840M   5.040M
Type5 25k 50k 75k 300k   1.200M      4.800M      6.300M