So What Does GMS Do?

GMS sell Virtual Investment Properties (VIPs). These consist of a 13-year proprietary software business license integrating passive incomes. VIPs are also a distribution platform for active income. 

With zero risk plus value growth according to the equity chart predictions, VIPs depict a strong and passive way for you to automatically acquire high value equity where many options exist to actively earn valuable monthly fees, whilst extracting a planned annual income as well to accumulate a substantial rainy day or own retirement fund. 

Ownership of a VIP makes the future of wealth acquisition an open and transparent facility. Don’t be fooled by the many unregulated offerings in the alternative currency markets that have no asset backing, occasionally go up but regularly go down in value that are managed by those serving their interest and not yours. 

GMS have anticipated that visitors to this website will have many questions. As a guide GMS provide drop down tutorials with factual and verifiable key content for precise answers in order that you can better understand the website content and be confident to proceed.

The planned distribution reasoning is logical and highly profitable for VIP owners. GMS elected to design a closed blockchain network of VIPs that was secure and kind to the environment in line with its/our green business ethics. 

The GMS Exchange also provides a cash-out facility, every 4-years, to liquidate all of the accumulated equity value gain, such is the purposeful functionality of the GMS Exchange.

Key Points

How do I trust the team at GMS?

  • The 100% cash asset backed ICONCOIN allocated to your VIP ensures that all original value is never depleted as all monies are held safe within the independently audited GMS Vault.
  • Your VIP dashboard displays all relevant monetary information at all times.
  • At months 49, 97 and 145, equity gained as notified to your dashboard, must be transferred to your IBAN.
  • There are no high rollers, politicians or undesirables.  This extraordinary business was created by honest, decent and responsible people.

What does asset backed actually mean?

GMS have their Vault. The Vault retains all rental monies paid by YOU for ICONCOIN allocated to your VIP.  You must understand that the rental money paid for your VIPs allocation is inwards revenue.  GMS retain all revenues for its management and ongoing liability and to ensure that it can meet starting cost returns, so you, the customer, are prevented from loss of the original financial interest you have made with GMS In order to maintain the value of the underlying asset, the GMS Specialist managers trade the Vault money safely according to GMS formulated protocols.  The profit collection is then added to the Vault asset, increasing the compounding value backing of the ICONCOIN. 

How have the future values been calculated?

GMS base their equity chart future values upon recent certified audited trading performance provided by a pool of specialist managers.  The GMS ICONCOIN value is not driven by hype.  The GMS inbuilt self-order AI predicts future value increases with a high degree of certainty as shown in the Equity Chart.

The importance of equity growth

Unless you own 100% of property, relying upon it to accumulate future wealth especially for your retirement is slow and costly.  If you borrow to buy property you must always remember it is filled with many risks and that your equity is secondary to the lenders as any negative shift in the market means your loss and not the lenders.

Over 12-years any property you paid 1.0 million for, is traditionally projected to double its value, but what will be the reality when sold, what will it yield after giving into the forever changing tax laws?

Digitize your property equity with a risk free VIP

By comparison, the VIPs costing from USD15k to USD75k provides predicted risk-free equity growth from ± USD1.260 million up to USD6.300 million, that is by automation, paid out on a 4-year cycle without the need to sell your VIP, making a VIP superior in all ways to property with its many ongoing liabilities.

How difficult of a decision can it be, B&M Property or a VIP. It does not require any of us to be a genius to realise that transferring of unused equity out of property, as soon as we can, and buying a VIP for our future security, makes the most positive economic sense on earth today.

The Genius of the VIP License

The GMS private suite VIP automated fully integrated A to Z business software is the world’s only licensed master software, that from a single input by the user starts a real time compounding process creating 100% cash equity in quantity.

This GMS limited issue multimillion dollar brain genius product is so advanced the moment a software licence is created it becomes live and remains fully operational 24/7 for a period of up to 13 years.

To gain permission to buy, all prospects must first register free, then pay the reservation fee when they have definitely decided to make the actual VIP purchase of choice. 

Depending upon the VIP license (there are 5 x Types) they are incrementally priced from USD5.0k making the license cost to buy so very economical, yet it has the power to produce multiple USD millions in future cash, plus it provides a unique platform for the user to seriously earn large monthly USD incomes.

Savvy business minds think, it’s not the cost of the VIP license type, but the value of earnings or ROI production that is important, making it an easy decision to buy now the VIP with its 100% cash asset backed ICONCOIN.

People all over the world are whinging about the sorry state of their finances, yet they still waste $5.00 for a cup of tea or coffee, $10.00 for a beer or wine, daily wasting away their hard-won earnings on overpriced retail purchases, that are valueless the day after, yet they wander around without a definite plan or purpose, committing themselves and family to an unsafe financially difficult future.

The GMS message; beg or borrow if you have to, to own a VIP.  Group with friends or family and do whatever it takes to assemble the low cost required to own a VIP.  Make it a priority let nothing stand in your way or prevent you from owning a VIP as it is way past the time for you to realise, your future quality of life depends upon it!