Frequently Asked Questions


How do we find out about the value increase?
As ICONCOIN values change these can be seen within your VIP dashboard. At each 4 year take-out period all of the equity must be withdrawn.
Can a VIP acquire more ICONCOIN than is allocated to it?
The straight answer is no. VIPs can be upgraded and in doing this the upgrade will have additional ICONCOINs for you to rent and gain the additional value increasing equity.
What does consolidation mean?
Consolidation is the 12-month period that commences 30-days after an original or consequent VIP allocation has had the rental sum fully paid. When an original VIP is upgraded it becomes a new Type VIP purchase. If any original allocation has been in consolidation the original commencement date ceases, until the upgraded allocation is fully paid and in consolidation. Only then does the 12-month consolidation plus the 36-month qualifying period recommence with a new end date set. Notice: Gains from acquiring additional ICONCOIN outweigh any perceived consolidation time loss. The incentive is to pay-up the rental fee on all ICONCOIN allocation ASAP.
Why are people eagerly buying ICONCOIN daily?
Because a VIP is the world's only automated business that collects USD valued real cash equity that is held in its VAULT, 100% backing the ICONCOIN allocated to all VIPs.
What can a buyer do with the VIP once they own it?
Firstly keep it secure and private. The VIP is a business that never stops, once activated. The ICONCOIN allocation the VIP rents automatically starts collecting USD equity value 24/7 whilst you play work and sleep. Its second manual function is as a Merchants recruitment tool enabling you to introduce others and acquire USD value-based rewards that can be used internally to pay for activating unpaid ICONCOINs, as well as for upgrading.
Are there certain types of people buying VIPs?
All people from all walks of life with a love for life and family, needing security and certainty of income in their future, rush to own a VIP. What they all share in common is, they are responsible, caring and most of all savvy, ensuring themselves of a reliable and valuable BACK-UP plan.
Is there a limit on VIPs issued?
The number of VIPs issued will be in accordance with the Types of VIPs purchased. Don’t delay there could be 1.0 million Type1 VIPs or 200,000 Type5 VIPs or any number in between, as demand like all things determines availability. Be savvy don’t delay get your VIP with such an urgency as though your whole economic future depends upon it, because it does and the sooner you realize this, only then will you have a prosperous and safer future.