Ask yourself: are you only wanting a repeat of the same tiny income your job provides, because that is what you will inherit when you buy a Bricks & Mortar investment property along with its burden of additional liability, or will your smart thinking enlighten you to choose today a VIP the world's lowest entry cost, yet highest earning autonomous property investment business, as in reality it is the greatest invention ever created.

These liability free GMS extraordinary Virtual Investment Properties (VIP) businesses, have a start cost 90% LESS than B&M yet their equity incomes can so easily exceed 50 X their cost, making it easy to understand why VIPs are so popular. 

People ask why does GMS use the Ballot system for their VIPs?  So enquiries do not miss this amazing full buy back opportunity that pays and pays and keeps on paying and does so without costs.

Registering is all about allowing you time to organise your thoughts and funds, to be certain about proceeding. We are talking serious here as when you pay the fee, confidential access to the choice of ownership across the range of premium VIP Types opens, allowing you to gain multiple USD Millions during the next 146-months.

All you need to imagine is winning in a multimillion-dollar free ballot and what that could mean to your otherwise ordinary existence. The reality is, by registering you are positioning yourself to own an autonomous A.I. electronic business that consists of a fully leased Virtual Investment Property and depending upon the type you purchase, (unlike lotto) you are guaranteeing yourself, your family and loved ones to passively earn millions of real dollars in a short-time. 

Don’t hesitate, starting small with a Type1 VIP is GMS’ recommendation. The Type1 is only USD30k, inclusive of the reservation, license and allocation cost. Then a USD60k 1st pay-out arrives at month 49, followed by a projected ROI total of USD1.2 million over the next 4-years, which makes starting with a Type1 VIP such very smart thinking, culminating in USD4.8 million by the end of year 12/13. 

Remember, your smart thinking business decision to buy a VIP includes the no questions asked full buy-back guarantee of your starting cost for whatever reason, protecting your purchase.  See our terms and conditions for details.

If you must borrow the starting sum then smart think of it as a 4-year personal loan and if it costs you 10% a year and your VIP is programmed to pay-out to you at month 49, ± twice the VIP cost amount, that means in reality the starting capital sum and any borrowing costs are repaid to you, keeping you ahead and debt free. 

The VIP is all about you. To help you get started GMS only require you to pay the license fee plus the 1st instalment of the ICONCOIN allocation. This allows you to enjoy the benefit of a fully functioning business without limits on its active income earning ability. 

VIPs aren’t just brilliant electronic businesses that generate valuable passive equity over a short-term, they are also autonomous, making them the most advanced business systems on earth today because they also allow you to be a live recipient of limitless day-to-day introduction fees. This is a highly valuable international opportunity, that does not require input; owners keep being paid valuable passive income that’s consistently produced by the VIPs A.I. automation. 

The VIP has an A.I. programmed life lease term of 13-years, making them a high in demand sensible business acquisition as during the 13-year lease term the premium Type5 VIP pays-out a predicted total of USD6.3million, it can’t get better than that! 

The value of all VIP Types consists of the license fee/cost and the 13-year paid in advance rental cost for the ICONCOIN equity starting value that's allocated to your VIP. 

Provided the existing VIP is paid in full upgrading can be done with payments according to your budget and choice.  See terms & conditions for acceptances.  

Brighter Coin

The six best reasons to secure a license that prints money


The VIP is by AI self-order underwritten by the 100% cash asset backed ICONCOIN, constantly earning value increasing sums of real cash equity whilst you play, sleep and work at your ordinary job, if indeed you have one. Your VIP provides a secure and compliant process for you to own an abundance of cashable equity as a private cash fund in a short time so you don’t end up wasting a lifetime.


Starting is made so easy. A Type1 VIP has a first predicted 30k cash equity earning at month 48/49 thereafter a total of equity earning of 1.260 million. After paying the 5k reservation fee in full, you’ll need to then pay the full cost of the license fee, plus the 1st monthly instalment of 10 that can be paid over 9-months without fees or charges across any of the VIPs that you buy. To buy your 3rd income stream VIP of choice, utilise or activate your own property equity or savings. All VIP prices are introductory enabling you to easily get started now so think smarter use this highly discounted opportunity before its gone!


Savvy people quickly realise the benefit how a VIP grows equity faster than most anything over a short 12-13 years, without any liabilities. It’s an easy decision to choose their VIP Type based upon the future value they want (refer Equity Chart) then if their savings are not enough to buy-in, they go and borrow the sum needed at the current low interest rates, to finalise their VIP purchase. Because of the VIP projected risk-free equity growth and the fact it is always liquid, more and more people have quit buying additional B&M property because of its liability.


Any VIP owner can introduce our GMS business. They will gladly guide you from start to finish. Just ask and they can provide guidance on how best to use your VIP so you can achieve your financial goals. All that is needed after paying and starting, is to then watch as your VIP accumulates, far more than you could ever possibly earn working and struggling for 40-50 years. Free yourself of all debt. Choose the best for your life.


In uncertain times your priority today is to always have a PLAN-B for tomorrow. When you accept it’s unrealistic to believe you can quickly earn an abundance of money from B&M property, then think VIP as then you will realise owning a VIP rapidly generates over a short-time private cash-equity, providing you income irrespective of negative external matters. By continuing to rely upon working as your only source of income, you are always at a disadvantage with zero security. Make GMS your life choice now!


Don’t be in denial, make owning an automated equity gaining VIP today your PLAN-B so you can realistically protect your tomorrow’s. Your VIPs first pay-out happens at month-49 end it is a compulsory withdrawal and values at ± twice the original ICONCOIN starting amount. All you need do is advise to which legal bank account you want it deposited in accordance with normal commercial banking terms applying at the time. Payments are approved and transacted within a 30-day cycle or less following the date of availability announcement.

Contact Us

Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any further questions.


Brighter Coin
What are the guarantees?
The only guarantee applies to your original registration, that if rejected, GMS will provide a full refund of the money you paid for the chosen VIP. The essential underlying cash asset backing the GMS Vault is the cumulative value of the rental fees it receives, plus equity gained. This means the Vault value is what provides the underlying assurances of the equity take-outs. GMS do not use the word guarantee preferring that the 4 year equity take-outs give buyers the confidence that any equity gained on their VIP ICONCOIN allocation is available as an auto redemption. See our Terms and Conditions for early exit buy-back provisions.
What does consolidation mean?
Consolidation is the 12-month period that commences 30-days after an original or consequent VIP allocation has had the rental sum fully paid. When an original VIP is upgraded it becomes a new Type VIP purchase. If any original allocation has been in consolidation the original commencement date ceases, until the upgraded allocation is fully paid and in consolidation. Only then does the 12-month consolidation plus the 36-month qualifying period recommence with a new end date set. Notice: Gains from acquiring additional ICONCOIN outweigh any perceived consolidation time loss. The incentive is to pay-up the rental fee on all ICONCOIN allocation ASAP.
Can ICONCOIN be traded?
The exciting thing about trading the ICONCOIN is that its real value is reflected in the GMS Master Vault account so real time cashable value, not yoyo market values are represented. Because your VIP hires the ICONCOIN, and does not own it, then legally you cannot sell it, however the good news is, the VIP holding the ICONCOIN allocation, provided it is paid up, can take on new ownership for whatever price you can negotiate via an internal AML & CFT secure GMS EXCHANGE transfer function, on request.
Is there a limit on VIPs issued?
The number of VIPs issued will be in accordance with the Types of VIPs purchased. Don’t delay there could be 1.0 million Type1 VIPs or 200,000 Type5 VIPs or any number in between, as demand like all things determines availability. Be savvy don’t delay get your VIP with such an urgency as though your whole economic future depends upon it, because it does and the sooner you realize this, only then will you have a prosperous and safer future.
How secure are ICONCOIN after payment?
All ICONCOIN are held safe within your VIP and is as safe as your Username and Password and your ability to keep your business matters private.